Types of Cognitive Ability Tests

Abstract Deductive
Numerical Reasoning
Numerical Reasoning
Verbal Language
Speed Accuracy
Attention Switching
Attention Switching
Mechanical Spatial
Mechanical Spatial

Cognitive Ability Tests

Did you know that cognitive ability test scores remain the strongest predictor of job performance?

The most important types of cognitive ability tests (also known as aptitude tests) include verbal/language reasoning, abstract/conceptual reasoning, attention to detail, mental speed, multi-tasking/attention switching, numerical/data reasoning and mechanical/spatial reasoning.

When used together (for example, when numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning are combined), they have been found to be the strongest predictor of workplace performance across all industries and job groups. This makes cognitive ability tests the most cost and time effective way of determining if a candidate is a good fit for any job. They are Web-based, with immediate results and Psychologist feedback.

Cognitive ability tests are often used with other psychometric tests such as personality and work values tests, to give a complete picture of a person.

Click on any of the icons above to see more about each type of cognitive ability test.

  • Cognitive ability tests measure problem-solving ability using numbers, words and symbols. All good tests of cognitive ability should be underpinned by widely recognised theory.
  • RightPeople tests several different ability constructs, based on a theory of intelligence now called CHC Theory (Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of intelligence; McGrew, 2008).
  • CHC Theory combines two similar psychological theories of intelligence: Carrol’s “three-stratum-theory” and Cattell and Horn’s “Theory of Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence” (Gf/Gc theory). This is the most widely supported approach for assessing a person’s intelligence.
What is Cognitive Ability Testing?

We offer easier through to more difficult levels of cognitive ability tests. The various types of cognitive ability tests are carefully selected and matched against each role, from junior / less experienced positions through to senior / experienced appointments.