04 Oct 2011

Selecting Job Applications
An article in the 'mycareer' section of 4 October’s Sydney Morning Herald revealed that increasingly employers are using social media sites such as Twitter to help select job applicants. Alan Geere, from Essex Chronicle Media Group and Northcliffe Media South East in the UK this week asked would-be reporters to apply for jobs by tweeting 140 words about...

26 Jul 2011

Protect Business
A front page story in the Sydney Morning Herald  "Injuries Show the Dangers of Childcare" highlighted the serious problems that can arise when employees are unaware of or, do not follow, organisational safety procedures. One report indicated that there were 13,300 potential health and safety breaches in child care centres in NSW in 2009-10, resulting in 1,000 children requiring medica...

29 Sep 2009

Time Management
Published in the Sydney Morning Herald. Out of Time? Researchers at the University of Sydney's Department of Psychology have found that being a good time manager is closely related to how conscientious a person is, and that this may be a personality trait rather than a skill one can acquire. Good time managers are also likely to be early birds, and slightly more prone to worrying....