20 Jul 2012

Safety Matters
Incidents such as the leak of the cancer-causing chemical hexavalent chromium by Orica in Newcastle in August last year highlight the importance of safety procedures and proper handling of health and safety incidents by organisations. Following the leak the plant was closed for 6 months, it reportedly lost $90 million in earnings, it faced court over breaching Environmental Protection...

16 Jul 2012

A dispute between workers at Coles' National Distribution Centre in Melbourne turned into an indefinite strike last week over a new workplace agreement with Toll (the company which Coles outsources their warehouse staffing to). Staff believe the agreement does not provide them with the same pay and benefits as employees employed directly by Coles. Early last week 250 workers and union...

26 Jul 2011

Protect Business
A front page story in the Sydney Morning Herald  "Injuries Show the Dangers of Childcare" highlighted the serious problems that can arise when employees are unaware of or, do not follow, organisational safety procedures. One report indicated that there were 13,300 potential health and safety breaches in child care centres in NSW in 2009-10, resulting in 1,000 children requiring medica...