15 Mar 2013

Job Skill Test
Skills tests assess skill levels of applicants or employees on a variety of topics and areas that are important in the workplace. These may include typing and data entry, Microsoft Office and other commonly used software tools, Web development and basic literacy and numeracy skills, to name just a few. There are a number of key advantages to using well designed skills tests as part of...

28 Mar 2012

Sales Performance
Psychometric tests and skills tests are often used in job selection. Both can be vital tools to help you find the best people for the job.  But what exactly are they, and what are the differences between these two types of tests? Psychometric tests are instruments that tell us about individual differences: such as personal characteristics or cognitive ability (intelligence), compared ...

27 May 2010

Implement Interview
It is beneficial for all employers to implement skills testing during the interview process. This allows employers to rate the candidates and decide whether or not they possess the ability to perform the job duties that they are interviewing for. Job candidates are hungrier than ever to obtain employment, and it is important that companies hire carefully in order to protect themselves. T...