19 Mar 2025

graduate psychometric test
In the highly competitive landscape of graduate recruitment, employers are constantly seeking ways to identify the most suitable candidates for their organisations. Traditional methods such as reviewing academic achievements and conducting interviews provide valuable insights, but they often fail to offer a comprehensive evaluation of a candidate’s potential. One of the most effective to...

10 Jul 2024

CHC Theory RightPeople
Many psychometric tests used in business nowadays make no reference to how they were developed or even worse, have no well recognised theory guiding their development at all. The Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory is a prominent model in the field of psychometrics that RightPeople use to guide test development, which provides a scientifically validated and comprehensive framewo...

06 Feb 2023

Cognitive ability tests
The Big Five Personality Traits, also known as the Five Factor Model, is a widely recognized and researched theory in psychology that describes human personality as five broad dimensions: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Openness, one of the five traits, is a crucial aspect of personality that describes an indiv...

24 Feb 2018

Sales Performance
In this article we look at Ambiverts, Extraverts, and Sales Job Performance and announce the new Accounts Payable and Receivable Test Sales Aptitude Personality Research Article Highlights Extraversion vs Introversion is one of the most studied personality dimensions. It was a long-held belief that extraversion would "take a person further" in business, particularly in sales. The mo...

15 Nov 2013

TOEFL Junior testing tool offers world-standard testing methodology to cope with large increase in school students learning English as a second language. With students from non-English speaking backgrounds now estimated at around 30% of school enrolments in Australia, teachers are demanding a more effective means of placing new students into appropriate language programs. With the ...

22 Oct 2012

Dr Brad Dolph
In our efforts to ensure that we offer the most up-to-date, empirically based, well-researched tools available, we are constantly doing research and market-place testing of our new assessment tools. We even go to China! In an earlier blog we introduced the Multi-Tasks test, an empirically based competing tasks measure with a long history in job selection research that is particular...