01 Feb 2024

Big Five Nervous Stress
In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of the modern workplace, understanding the intricacies of individual personalities is crucial for fostering a productive and harmonious environment. One valuable tool in this endeavour is the Big Five Personality Traits model, which provides a framework for comprehending various facets of human personality. Among these traits, the Nervous Stres...

13 Mar 2023

Cognitive testing
Cognitive ability tests are an important tool in the recruitment process, as they provide valuable insights into a candidate's mental abilities and potential job performance. These tests measure an individual's cognitive skills, including their ability to learn, reason, problem-solve, and adapt to new situations. In this blog, we will explore the benefi...

06 Feb 2023

Cognitive ability tests
The Big Five Personality Traits, also known as the Five Factor Model, is a widely recognized and researched theory in psychology that describes human personality as five broad dimensions: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Openness, one of the five traits, is a crucial aspect of personality that describes an indiv...

30 Oct 2018

Word Test
"After Web browsers Word is the most-used app on the planet; it's still the platinum standard in word processing. Nothing else even comes close" (PCMag, March 2013). Microsoft Word is a word processing program developed by Microsoft."  It's been in existence since 1983, and since that time has undergone 14 revisions, the most recent being Word 2013. It is the most widely used word pro...

04 Jun 2018

Personality Assessment
In the world of personality assessment there are numerous tools that are used to measure and understand personality. A trait approach to personality has been in existence since the early 1900's, and it has been the aim of many researchers to identify which are the most useful underlying factors to consider - with numerous studies dedicated to this topic. Many of the largest and most r...

24 Feb 2018

Sales Performance
In this article we look at Ambiverts, Extraverts, and Sales Job Performance and announce the new Accounts Payable and Receivable Test Sales Aptitude Personality Research Article Highlights Extraversion vs Introversion is one of the most studied personality dimensions. It was a long-held belief that extraversion would "take a person further" in business, particularly in sales. The mo...

08 Apr 2013

Old Men Hire
Making the right decisions for your business An important consideration when recruiting older workers is to consider what their strengths and weaknesses are likely to be in terms of their cognitive abilities (thinking abilities or intelligence). By using the right mix of psychometric tests you can easily and quickly identify what type of work older workers are best suited for, and in ...

10 Dec 2012

Numerous authors have examined the relationship between speed of processing, working memory and age, and debated the role of these concepts in understanding individual differences in cognitive ability. There are arguments as to the relative contributions of both concepts, and most theorists tend to agree that slowing is the explanation for cognitive decline. Using tasks that draw on w...

03 Dec 2012

Over 2 million Australians, or 1 in 4 workers, are classified as casual workers.  A spokesperson from the ACTU described the trend in the increase in casual workers, or 'casualisation' of the workforce as "one of the dominant trends in the Australian workplace during the past decade". Much has been written about the casualisation of the workforce and there are many opinions on the ben...

12 Nov 2012

Job Performance
In the Australian work context, together with other similar individualistic Western countries (such as the USA and UK), job performance is typically assessed in terms of task (in-role) behaviour - i.e., how well an employee performs their duties;  organisational citizenship behaviour - i.e., going 'above and beyond' role requirements such as helping other employees with their workload; a...